
GOODCon Europe Live-online on 3/25/2021

We are delighted to share our second set of speakers for #GOODCon!

As a leader & founding member of Lyft's social impact team, Lisa Boyd, Director of Social Impact, has spearheaded the creation & launch of the LyftUp program, focused on increasing transportation access & equity.

Based in Germany, Frank Bömers is a purpose-driven marketer, speaker, and entrepreneur. He has spent 25+ years working in Medical Technology as a marketer and CEO. He is the Founder of the LinkedIn Group "Leading on Purpose", the biggest active community in German-Speaking Countries on LI.

Based in Paris, Antoine Cayrol is the Founder of Atlas V, which creates immersive worlds with AR/VR real time technologies.

Josie Naughton is a leading advocate for refugee rights in the UK and the CEO of Choose Love which is pioneering a new charity movement that provides emergency aid and long-term solutions where they are most needed. The organization supports over 130 organizations worldwide in 15 countries and has raised over £36 million.

UK-based Elio Leoni Sceti is co-founder, Chairman and chief crafter of The Craftory, the first investment house for mission-driven challenger brands in Consumer Goods.

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The art of virtual presenting.

The art of virtual presenting.
Many of us talk about the 'new normal'.

What felt a bit surreal in the beginning, develops more and more into a lively infotainment alternative.

My objective is to pick up the participants emotionally and sustainably on the change level, so that afterwards one can go into the implementation with a goal-oriented approach.


The 'night of thoughts'

The new decade - It will require courage and the will to change. The cycles of change will become even faster...and it is important for us to stay on the ball mentally. Today, I send you an invitation link to the 1st 'Nacht der Gedanken' on Friday 27th of March, beginning at 6pm in the Lokhalle Freiburg. In addition to me, other speakers such as Beate Glöser, Falk Leibenzeder, Jonas Hilz and others will present inspiring topics that move us.

#powerofpurpose #purpose #meaning #newwork



Many companies have proclaimed the well-being of customers, employees, society and the environment as a new goal for shareholders in addition to the economic outcomes. But how credible is the why mission of the company and its brand actually perceived?

Is the brand purpose realized in the customer perception?

In a recent study, the consulting firm Globe One has examined 48 popular German corporate brands such as Audi, Rewe, Volkswagen, Bosch, etc. The basis for this has formed a consumer survey of around 3,500 consumers. Globe One`s goal was to find out whether a brand looks likeable and innovative, and the question of whether a company in the view of consumers is considered honest and with fair practices ? A Purpose Readiness Index (PRI) was developed for this purpose. A maximum of 100 points can be reached and the key figure indicates the consumers' perception of the company and the brand.

Front-runners were here with a PRI of over 70 - Rewe, Aldi, Continental and Bosch, followed by Adidas, Siemens, and Henkel at the bottom, knocking off Deutsche Bank, Vonovia (a national real estate company) and Volkswagen, which was not surprising after the numerous controversial public discussions.

Conclusion: More than half of the companies surveyed do not address their purpose in the perception of the consumer. Hence there is still a lot of room for improvement and I recommend to the responsible managers not only to look at the ROI but also to have a look at the ROP (Return on Purpose). According to Joe Kaeser (Siemens CEO), a sustainably practiced purpose is the prerequisite for long-term corporate success.



On September 10 appears our book which is titled "NEVER GIVE UP". An exciting project where I brought in my experience in the field of medtech. The book is unique in its form because it offers not only storytelling of patient stories but also a lot of tips for a fulfilling life with osteoarthritis.
Christian Neureuther is a true inspiration for me and my work.

Live the Life of Your Dreams: Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others.
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart